Looking at Matt
it is easy to get addicted to him. Here are some sure tell tale signs to see if
you really are an Mj addict....
*Even if you
aren't from London, you go around saying words that he says alot like 'man' at
the end of each sentence or 'awesome'
*If you miss him on telly you go into a major stress and blame it on everyone
*You buy every magazine he is in, even if its only because there is a tiny
picture on the front page, so small that normal people wouldnt notice it.
*You beg your parents to let you go see Busted, even if they are miles away from
you. You sulk if you don't get your own way.
*You have extra copies of each poster thats on your wall, just in case the worst
happens (eg: they fall off the wall)
*You know everything there is to know about him. Even really pathetic stuff like
what underwear he wears....
*You know all the latest Mattie-Jay gossip and argue with people when they say
you are wrong. DONT THEY KNOW WHO U ARE?!
*When someone slags him off, you go into your whole 'You dont know him, he is a
brilliant lad, singles out soon so buy it!' speech.
*You have at least one email address dedicated to him
*If you have seen him gig, you know the words to the other songs by the end of
the night.
*You go around pretending your last name is Willis, and want a stripe of colour
through your hair... or you experiment with odd hair colours.
*On all your diary entires each page mention him at least 4 times.
*You keep all the promo cards you get sent of Busted and put them on your wall
*You love Mattie-jays craziness, even though at times he can be irritating with
the faces he pulls!
*You love his brother as much as you love him (all hail darren!)
*If you dont live in finchley already, you want to move there!!
*You never ever shut up about him, even in your sleep.
*Everywhere you go you manage to mention them, and are always on the lookout for
MJ lookalikes!
*You like all the things that Matt likes...just because he likes them! (haha!)
* You have made a cardboard guitar and strum it like a looney and pretend to be
* When you have seen him in concert, you made yourself get noticed by putting a
UV stripe through your hair :) ahem thats not me...
* Whenever you smell someone who smells like Matt you get all excited and shout
Matt at the top of your voice....
* You love his teeth!!
* You draw a star on your hand to imitate his tatoo
*You own items of his clothing! You bought them just because he wears them (or
you have his famous padlock chain!)
*You think he looks awesome with eyeliner!
*Your family get so sick of you going on about him that they are considering
moving far away and leaving you in a home for obsessive Mattie-Jay fans...