is for ASS: he tends to flash it alot...
B is for BUSTED: The name of the band
C is for CRAZY: He is rather.
D is for DANCING: He dances like a chicken...
E is for EARS: Kayoot!
F is for FLUX CAPACITOR: Just because...
G is for GUITAR: What a talented strummer
H is for HAIR: It always changes!
I is for IMPULSE MAN: My latest nickname for him
J is for JAMES: His middle name and his fellow bandmate's name
K is for KING: Matt is King...
L is for LOSING YOU: The name of a top Busted song
M is for MATTHEW JAMES WILLIS: His full name
O is for ORANGE: The colour of the sweatbands he wore at the Year
3000 shoot
P is for POSER: He ALWAYS poses for photos
Q is for QUIET: Which erm...he isn't
R is for RICHARD: Busted's manager
S is for SMILE: He has a lovely one, but doesn't use it as often
as he should!
T is for THUMBS: No explanation needed....
U is for UNIVERSAL ISLAND: Busteds record company.
V is for VIDEO SHOOT: The Year 3000 one was the first place I met
him and the guys
W is for WINK: He always winks at cameras and stuff!
X is for X-RAY: Because of his brittle bone disease he has
probably had TONS of them
Y is for YEAR 3000: The top number 2 hit which was the guys second
Z is for ZIP: Matt has a wicked stripy red and black top which he
used to wear and it has an some awesome zips on the front!