Thanks for checking out this section, it's one of the most important!
Here are some notes about the site which I get emails about all the time...

Hi Matt, how are you??
The email address mattiejayuk@hotmail.com is an email address for ME (Christina) to keep track of the website. It is NOT an address for Matt, and any emails written to him won't be read by him so please don't send any fan mail to this address.
Does Matt know about this site?
Matt is aware of the site, he has been for a while now! Back in December 2002 he posed for a photo for the site and we were chatting about how his sister told him about the site when it was first set up and he checked it out back then. In May 2003, he received a message book from me which I put together with messages from all  his fans which he really loved. Everytime I see him I keep him updated on the site and its progress.
How come you've been going since 2001? Busted weren't even around then!
The site was set up in 2001. Back then not many people knew about Busted and I was trying to spread the word. None of the fans back then thought they would be as big as they are and it's wicked (though still a bit weird)
I really want to meet Busted, can you help me?
I can't provide backstage passes or tickets to gigs. As I have said, I am NOT Matt!
Can I have his mobile number or email address? I won't give it out!
I cannot provide you with any personal contact details of Matt. His privacy is something we should all respect.


İMattie-Jay Uk. Since September 13th, 2001.